


Three new deans joined UNC this summer and share a vision for and commitment to student 成功.  

As the university community returned to campus this semester, they welcomed three 新领导人. Each brings experience and vision for their college with a focus on student-centered 教育. UNC is pleased to introduce Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences 杰瑞德·史泰龙博士; Dean of the College of Natural Health and Sciences 卡梅尔·哈达德博士; and Dean of the College of Performing and Visual 艺术 Cristina Goletti博士.


Dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Science

贾里德·史泰龙, the new dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences 想要进入你的大脑.

From his years as a PreK-12 educator, Stallones learned the importance of tapping into students’ natural interests to inspire their learning. “没有别的了 fascinating than trying to figure out how people think and learn,” says Stallones.

The importance of narrative and personal interest to learning and the impact 教育 has on human growth and communities were what drove Stallones to continue his career in 教育 and reinvent the way he taught his students. “我一直想要学生 to be able to answer the question, ‘Why are we learning this?所以我试着把 an answer to that question in every lesson I taught. 相关事项.” 

Stallones’ family lineage is in 教育, but he chose a career in it out of frustration with his own school experience and a strong desire to improve the learning experience 为他人. “I’m now in a position to do that on a wider scale,” he says.

而在 University of Kentucky, Stallones learned a great deal about rural 教育, adding to what he gained in his years in the urban schools served by California State Polytechnic 波莫纳大学和长滩州立大学. He’s greatly looking for战争d to working closely with UNC’s Center for Urban Education in Denver and the Center for Rural Education 整个州都是如此.

Stallones has a unique passion for 教育 history which he incorporates into his 作为一个教育者和领导者. He has authored four books and more than 65 articles and presentations on 教育 history, biography and philosophy. 他还担任 an editor for a history of 教育 book series and has authored and/or managed grants 资金近600万美元.

A true student of history, Stallones is creating a path for himself and the college reflecting on what we have learned in the last 18 months from the pandemic. “我们有 to take the lessons that we’ve learned from the last year and a half and really focus on them because if we don’t do it now, we’ll be talking about the same problems and inequities in 教育 50 years from now,” he says.

A pillar that Stallones’ theory of 教育 is built upon is community engagement. “One of the things I’ve learned is how to support faculty in engaging their local 学校和社区,”史泰龙说. “我们无法做好充分的准备工作 teachers, school administrators, counselors, or mental health professionals without being in the community and understanding their needs and perspectives, where their 挑战的谎言.”

Stallones emphasizes the need for cultural humility in these 对话 with the community and he hopes to establish and inspire many “rich collaborations” in his 当院长的时间.

“我们有 a lot of work to do, and the key is doing it together.” 


Dean of the College of Natural Health and Sciences 

哈达德卡梅’s second semester of his freshman year of college was interrupted by 战争. 实际战争. While attending the American University of Beirut, the college closed its doors and Haddad and his parents fled his home country of Lebanon under bullets 对美国来说. Haddad knew nothing else than to follow in the footsteps of 他的叔叔已经在美国了.S., and enrolled in electrical engineering at Georgia Institute 的技术. There, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Applied 数学 and went on to earn his PhD in 数学 from the University of Maryland.

“Math has always been second nature to me,” 哈达德说. “我妈妈是一名中学生 math teacher and my father is a high school chemistry teacher, so teaching has also 从我很小的时候起就融入了我的血液.” Haddad remembers coming back from school and sitting at the dinner table while his mother and father tutored students at the same table.

Immediately prior to joining UNC, Haddad was a professor of 数学 at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) with a special assignment as a consultant for 学生的成功 initiatives in the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and 数学.

With teaching in his blood, Haddad was attracted to UNC’s strong reputation for and 强调教学法. “UNC values teaching pedagogy and the content area equally,” 哈达德说. “That is one of the things that attracted me to this university.”

As dean of NHS, Haddad aims to continue the teacher-scholar model already at work 在大学里. “In this model, teaching informs research and research informs teaching and we engage our students as research scholars even at the undergraduate level. We make sure that our pedagogy is informed by the research model.”

Haddad lists the strength of the faculty as another factor that drew him to UNC. “他们的 credentials are unmatched and the college’s foundation is strong, allowing us to pivot 必要时更容易,”哈达德说. He stressed the importance of pivoting because “高等教育现在正处于十字路口. 科罗拉多州的入学人数呈下降趋势 and across most of the nation, and to be able to rebound from that kind of decline in enrollment in a way that is different than that of other regional public comprehensive 大学是必不可少的.”

Haddad envisions the college with programs that are responsive to regional needs and national workforce trends and hopes to engage the college faculty, students, and administration 在探索如何最好地做到这一点.

His excitement for the university and vision for the college revolves around two words: 学生们首先. “Our current student population is prepared differently than they were 20 years ago or 30 years ago,” 哈达德说. “我们不能再指望他们这么做了 change their learning style to our teaching style. 我们需要适应.”

He wants to identify and remove operational barriers to student advancement. “不 every barrier is a learning or teaching style barrier,” 哈达德说. “有些障碍 are processes that institutions use that could be enhanced or removed if they hinder 学生的成功.” A mathematician at heart, Haddad plans to explore and address these 数据驱动方法的问题. 


Dean of the College of Performing and Visual 艺术 

克里斯蒂娜Goletti believes she has the best job in 世界. 她会是 一个人知道. 

Just reading Goletti’s resume will make you feel as though you have taken a trip around 世界. The new dean of the College of Performing and Visual 艺术 has danced her way from a dance conservatory in London, to dance companies in Ireland, to faculty assignments in Mexico, to the banks of the Rio Grande in El Paso, TX, and found her 回到科罗拉多,回到皇冠app官方版下载.

Goletti’s background weaves a tapestry of places, points of view, and dance styles which reflect the interdisciplinary nature of her approach to the arts. 而在 University of Texas El Paso, Goletti joined Engineering + Art + Science = Social Impact (EASSI), an interdisciplinary research group, and was granted start-up funding and the use of space at UTEP’s new interdisciplinary building. 她的研究兴趣 involve dance pedagogy, interdisciplinary improvised performance practices and queer 以及移民研究.

“I hope to continue emphasizing interdisciplinary work between the colleges at UNC,” 说Goletti. “We all have great ideas about how we can work together. 有很多 points of commonality where we can create interdisciplinary opportunities for students 和老师.”

Goletti hopes to create groups resembling think tanks or fab labs where people from different backgrounds can come together to understand important social, economic and cultural issues through diverse perspectives, including utilizing arts methodologies 作为一种创造现实生活解决方案的方式.

A quote Goletti loves is, “The arts are the safest place to have the most dangerous 对话.”

“Because we are performing fiction, we are fictionalizing reality. 我们正在创造 a fictional world where we can have difficult 对话,” she says. “我想。 create a safe space for students to come and play and fail and experiment and have 有意义的谈话.”

Goletti thinks this approach is a priority for the new group of faculty coming to UNC. “我们想划船,而不是随波逐流. 我们想要深思熟虑,有远见 我们的学术课程. We hope to be innovative and student-focused, which means providing students of all disciplines the best opportunities,” 说Goletti.

The foundation for creating this interdisciplinary approach to the arts is based on 艺术本身的统一性. “There’s something really beautiful about experiencing 戈莱蒂说. “Another quote I love is ‘We sit together in the dark 在光明中懂得彼此相爱.我们一起坐在黑暗中,倾听 to music, seeing a show, or mingling at an exhibition so that we can know how to live 在光明中彼此陪伴,或许彼此相爱.”

“My passion is in arts 教育 within higher 教育 and advocating for arts degrees, whether they’re performing or technical or more kind of academic and scholarly focus. Studying art is such an important and foundational degree and so I’m really passionate 皇冠app安卓下载安装为什么会有文科学位.”

While Goletti loves to discuss the implications of studying and observing art, she 致力于学生的实际成功. 她想鼓励学生进行实验 and follow their dreams while getting the necessary skill-based training to excel 作为21世纪的艺术家.

According to Goletti, it’s rare for there to be a college purely devoted to the arts (as they are often combined with sciences or humanities). 而她尊重和羡慕 those other disciplines, Goletti has always thought that she would be best suited for a role where she could be the face and voice of the arts and no other discipline. “UNC does not just have an arts college — they have a great, solid arts college with a lot of history, tradition, and excellence in many areas.”  UNC
